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May 19, 2005


Wichi Dude

Bogie, you probably won't see this before heading out for the airport but, you may use my computer to post on while you are here. I wouldn't want to deprive anyone access to the communication capabilities of the 'net.
Have a safe flight and we'll see you tonight (with luck), depending on how busy everyone is.


Have a wonderful trip! I'll miss your posts. Am jealous of all the bird life you've recorded—I have never seen an indigo bunting but would so like to.


Thanks for the offer Wichi Dude - Cop Car is letting me use hers, but I have had more interesting things to attend to like chasing down where the luggage gotten to!

Jackie - If I can, I will try to get a picture. I don't think it very likely I can get close enough to the indigo bunting, but you never know.


Cop Car said that you got the luggage in time. I'd say you're pretty lucky. I hope you have a great time visiting with your extended family.


Good luck and have agreat trip!

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