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May 26, 2005


Cop Car

For once, Bogie, I do know what you are going through since I went through it with your Grandmother S, my own beloved mother-in-law. Unfortunately, my understanding of your pain does not ease it, but you have my empathy.

One of the sessions at the Kansas State Ombudsman Conference. from which I just returned. was on communicating with residents who are grappling with Alzheimer's. (We are to spend time with each resident of our assigned facility, even when the resident is seemingly unaware of our presence.) The health services community has come around to believing that the way people have instinctively dealt with an Alzheimer's patient's increasingly less tenuous contact with reality is the right approach: we are to enter into their world, conversing on their perceptions, rather than trying to "bring them back to reality". Since Rose's facility is in Kansas, I doubt that it has an assigned (volunteer) ombudsman. Even with the 34 new volunteers that were in my class, there are fewer than 200 volunteer ombudsmen to cover more than 600 facilities. Residents of Rose's facility do have (at least) a regional (paid) ombudsman should the need arise.

Wichi Dude

Look out for those bricks, they don't go away. They wait for you to stop looking for them then, "WHAM", they get you again.
I hope the rest of the visit goes better. Give our best to WS.


It used to be that we could "enter her world" and converse a bit. Now, she doesn't seem to hear what we say. As I mentioned, yesterday was a good day - she normally doesn't talk at all.

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