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April 15, 2005


Cop Car

I like your pricing structure. It's good being flexible. Have fun!


We looked at the Shiba Inu before we got our Akita. I'd be curious to know if they shed as much as our (long coat) Akita.


What a way to go, bogie! lol

Wichi Dude

Reminds me of the old "Quote Sheet" we had at the gas station:
Oil Change - $10.00
W/Premium Filter - $15.00
W/Premium Oil - $20.00
If You Help - $50.00


CC - Flexibility is key when being a pet-sitter!

Rita - I don't know on that point. All the dogs have been shaved recently, so it's hard to tell if any of them are shedding at this point.

WD - Yep, I've laughed over those signs, but never even thought of them when I added the extra $2 - I though of it as a surcharge.

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