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March 11, 2005


Cop Car

Good one, Bogie. Glad you found the recalcitrant key. I used to enjoy watching people use my computer at work. Even though I would caution them that I had a left-handed mouse setup (which should be obvious when the mouse is to the left of the keyboard?) and even though I would tell them it was OK if they wanted to reset it, they would invariably NOT reset the mouse and then would get left- and right-clicks confused. (When our "help desk" people were doing strange things on my screen by proxy, I would prompt them on the phone, "left mouse, left mouse".)

Wichi Dude

Sticky key, huh? What have you been doing around your keyboard anyway? Probably an escaped gummy-bear.
Glad you figured it out before hitting the shop. Those guys have a sense of humor, but it is an expensive one.


Cop Car - The left mouse set-up isn't so obvious, even if the mouse is on the left. I have never changed the way the mouse's clicks work (all my work computers have been set up with the mouse on the left and one of my home computers is set up with it on the left).

Wichi Dude - Nothing dirty about my keyboard; The key had actually gotten cocked so one corner of it was under underneath the face-plate.


It's amazing how simple some of the problems can be. I still have to learn how to use some of the keys on my keyboard, and I probably would have done just what you did. The "num lock" key on this computer is on by default, but on the last computer, it was off by default. I never realized that I might have been able to change the default on the last computer.

The CPA sends an assistant to help me with Quick Books once a quarter. On the last visit I asked her if she had taken extensive classes on keyboard shortcuts, and she said she had just figured them out playing with the programs. She must be more dedicated to her computer than I am.

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