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June 27, 2004


Wichi Dude

I don't blame him for the "truck it yourself" mentality. I have an old dresser that my sister and neice have been using. Every time it gets moved from point "A" to point "B", another part of it vanishes. Last time, it was one of the mirror mounting posts. Without it, no mirror.
When I finally get it to Kansas, I plan on taking the matching part to one of the Amish areas and see if they can create a new one. The posts were hand carved about a hundred years ago so I doubt any "mass market" furniture repair place can recreate it. It may even be too much for the Amish. Who knows.
Tell WS to have a quick and safe trip.


I hope his trip goes smoothly. The tarps are a good idea....we have weather building up here tonight.

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