One of the local papers, The Contoocook Valley Villager, which for some reason I have been receiving for free the last month or so, published this wonderful story in this week's edition:
There she was (We trust you'll pardon the discrepancy in the above picture.) standing along side the road Wednesday morning as we drown to the office. How do we know it was a "she"? Well, she had a calf in tow. And that was an experience as we sat in our convertible sports car wondering whether mom would take offense at our presence.
We stared each other down for a few seconds before she decided we didn't pose any danger and trotted across the road into a nearby field, youngster alongside.
It was a chance encounter we won't son forget. We've seen our share of Moose, but to have a youngster as part of the package was a real treat.
Oh yeah, the unfortunate caption for the incident should be: things you see when you don't have a camera.
There was a picture of a bull moose above the Editer's letter (yes, that was how "editor" was spelled).
First, I was wondering why they were drowning to the office (I actually had to read that part several times before I figured out it was "driving"). Then, I wondered how they could possibly forget the encounter "son". I also noticed the terrible use of a punctuation mark or two. Then, last but not least, I saw that someone treated a parenthetical section as a full sentence. Actually I saw a couple of other nit-picky things, but let's not get into that.
I guess I'm beginning to see why they have to give this paper away!
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