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April 30, 2004



Bogie, I wonder if the problem lies in the fact that both tomatoes and melons are really warm season crops. Is your greenhouse warm enough to make them think the season for sprouting has come, or could it be a little on the chilly side still?

Cop Car

If you need another cat, I'm sure that HH would donate CC.


Buffy - the melons came up just fine (until of course the mouse attacked) and they are in the same environment as the tomatoes and peppers. It's actually been pretty warm in the greenhouse, although I must admit that I never put heat mats under the trays - so that could be the problem.

Cop Car - just what we need is another cat! I figure if our 3, the neighbor's 2 (who come over on a regular basis) and Fuzzy can't keep the mouse population down, we probably are having a banner crop of mouslets this year.

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