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March 22, 2004


Cop Car

I hadn't heard about this; but, then, I run neither Black Ice nor Real Secure. My firewall is whatever PC-cillin uses. I did notice when I logged on a couple of minutes ago that PC-cillin picked up another update. For the last several weeks it's been updated nearly every time that I've logged on--even when I've logged on twice in one day. When I did a manual scan a few days ago, it found an instance of MyWorm that had somehow gotten through. PC-cillin couldn't do anything but quarantine the file, so I wiped it out.


I used to run Black Ice a couple of years ago, but one of the updates caused a Major problem with my computer so I returned to Norton's (which has its own agravations - like the update engine decided to foul up so now I have to uninstall then reinstall).

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