I'm back! I had several sets of animals that I was taking care of this weekend. Since I only allow myself to blog in the morning (with a very few exceptions, like visiting Wichi Dude yesterday afternoon), I missed out on my writing time. That doesn't mean that I wasn't on the computer - but it was neccessary stuff; job searching, balancing the checkbook, computer maintenance and backing up important files.
One of the highlights of the weekend was that we found out that Girl Scout cookies were in. No more making cookies for a while unless I really want to now!
The snow melting has begun. Temps have been in the high 40's the last couple of days. It makes for a quagmire on some of the pathways, but that is okay. Spring seems to be in the air, however I am sure that we will have at least one more snow storm before the thaw is truly underway. Who knows though, it could be the earliest spring we have experienced since moving to New hampshire.
Speaking of spring, the New Hampshire Audubon Society is having a native plant sale of perinnials, trees and shrubs. I will be ordering some shrubs that are favorites of birds; gray dogwood, nannyberry, northern wild raisin and American highbush cranberry. A couple of those are fast growers so they will be perfect for screening out the view of the house next to (and above) our house. When the house was built, they clear cut a 40' section so that they could see the view of the mountains. They planted a couple of shrubs, but they are only 3 feet high after 5 years (and started out at about 2 1/2 feet). The nannyberry and cranberry get to between 10 and 30 feet high, and fill in fast, so they will be perfect for filling in that gap.
Saturday night we had our own personal bonfire. We had a small pile to burn so we decided to set it off while there is still a good amount of snow cover. Although we enjoy attending other people's bonfires, there is something to be said for being able to just watch the flames without the pressure of having to hold conversations (since no one else was here).
We recieved our tax return a couple of weeks ago. I just found out because I happened to check our account on-line when I was reconciling the checkbook. Maybe we can look for a new easy chair to replace the Wonderful Spouse's late chair that was put out of our misery at Harry's bonfire.
And that is pretty much what has been going on around here.
I am honored to have been visited AND mentioned.
Posted by: Wichi Dude | March 02, 2004 at 05:14 AM