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December 26, 2003


Wichi Dude

Bogie, I'm telling ya, you're going to have to let WS weld that ring to your finger. You keep losing them.
Cool stereo. Isn't it great to have tunes again? Except for the bug, glad you had a great day.


WS said that if I lost this one, then he would get one out of a bubblegum machine and use a welder to melt the plastic to my finger!

Hey, and I've only lost one ring - I just lost the first one twice!


..hope ws is feeling better :^)...just noticed you is a flappy bird - how did you manage that?...I have no idea what is happening but I'm a mere slimy mollusc :^(..


I managed by having superior writings that everyone wanted to link to!

Ok, now that the funny stuff is done, I raised in ratings because of my beying layed-off. A whole bunch of people linked to that post, so my links went up.

If you notice though, sometime between when you commented, and when I replied, I became a Slithering Reptile again. That is because two of the links have slid off the front pages of their blogs, so are no longer counted.


How lovely that he gave you another wedding ring! This last week I've been without the watch that DH gave me. I have four or five places where I generally lay it when I take it off, and I haven't found it yet. He assures me that we will find it, and I hope he's right. I need to take my Mickey watch in for a new battery if we don't find the good watch soon.

I hope WS is feeling better now. Too bad the flu made for a quiet holiday.


Buffy: I hope that watch is found - but if not, I'm sure DH will find another special one for you!

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