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December 23, 2003


Da Goddess

Not every doctor is that inept. Find a new one. If you can't...call the chiropractor for his/her recommendation. Chiropractic care and standard medicine should work hand in hand.

Wichi Dude

I would take Da Goddess's advice. Sounds pretty solid to me. But I'm glad their tests showed no cancer. (yeah, right. I hope the other person is notified and thrilled. Providing the Doc remembers who the other person is.)


WD - That was my X-ray that was being looked at.

Goddess - This is just the tip of the iceburg and I have not had a diagnosis out of any doctor (in Kansas or in NH). I never found a doctor that believed I had migrains (I had classic symptoms and family history). There have also been various other problems that I have had to live with until they cleared themselves up or I still just live with them.

Cop Car

Wish my doctor made house calls, Bogie, so that she could come see you. She is wonderful. She actually listens to her patients (or, at least, to me), gives me web sites to visit, shows me pictures in her medical reference books, explores what I think about a situation, etcetera, etcetera. She is on the staff at KU School of Medicine--Wichita. Thus, she teaches on certain days of the week (so, she is not available for appointments, then); but, she doesn't pretend to know everything. When I was having an indometrial biopsy, she actually came in to watch and ask the GYN questions in order to learn more about what she (the GYN) was doing. And, to boot, she has a sense of humor (and she's young enough that I tell her she cannot leave her practice in Wichita until I'm dead and gone!)

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