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November 11, 2003


Cop Car

It's a little confusing for me to read all the hoopla over the 50th anniversary of Veteran's Day since I clearly recall freezing my butt off marching in a Veteran's Day parade in Kansas City on 11/11/1949 (my first gig as a majorette). The parade ended at Liberty Memorial and was an annual event. Whatever. They always have a listing of veterans in the company monthly publication and get us together for cake and a speech or two at work; so I'll be wearing my Honerable Discharge button, today. Actually, I find it a bit embarrassing that we who never saw hostile action (or even extended active duty) are included in the roll of veterans. I always think of some dogface or leatherneck who has seen live-bullet action when I hear the term "veteran". A friend and her husband who are both ex-Navy make sure that my name gets on the list for publication each year.


That is probably becuase it was Armistice Day before it was declared Veteran's Day (Armistice Day was set aside to honor WWI vets, so the name was changed to include vets from WWII and so on - gotten from The Dept. of Veteran's Affairs.

At least you know your memories of freezing your butt of is real.

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