This will probably be a little rambling, but hang in there with me. I am going to step away from my policy to keep this a family blog for a minute and respond to another blogger and some of the vile comments left on that blog.
It seems that America can do no right. When we step in militarily, we are called war-mongers, terrorists, land grabbers, and greedy people. When we don’t step in militarily, we are called unfeeling, prejudiced, isolationists and selfish. Of course if we don’t step in and something happens that endangers the rest of the world – then we are castigated for not stepping in soon enough or before the threat harmed others.
Even when we step in invited by a country to help defend itself from invasion, we are told we are only doing it for our own interests (oil, and oh yes, and land grabbing). Never mind that we didn’t steal oil or land (then we are accused of having some other diabolical plan, a conspiracy in the works that is not evident yet).
We supply billions of dollars around the world in aid, both through private donations/charities and thru governmental aid. However, we are told that we only do this because we want to control countries. But who do countries expect, even demand, to contribute (the largest amount of dollars, I might add) when they have a need? The good old U. S of A. Then it is never enough, everyone want more, more, more, all the while telling us how bad we are as a country
Would I prefer this world to be a utopia where everyone got along and played nicely? Yes, I would. However this is not the case and probably never will be. Would I prefer not to have to defend myself? Yes, but that does not mean I won’t if the need arises.
If someone comes at me with a knife, tire iron or gun I will defend myself. I will not try to talk to the person or think about their psychological problems. I will not think about what I did to cause the person such angst that s/he would attack me (because obviously it is all my fault) – I will blow them away. I expect my government to do this on a larger scale, when the need arises.
If this makes me a bad person, then so be it. If protecting its people makes a county bad, then I want to live in a bad country.
We are the bad guys, we will always be the bad guys, regardless of what we do.
I have disabled comments because I don’t wish to discuss this. Don’t bother emailing me about it, because I will just trash it.
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