I have recently recieved 390 bulbs to plant for spring and summer blooming. Before you ask if I am crazy why yes, I am, I really didn't realize that I had ordered that many. There are actually only about 12 items that I ordered and then I got "bonus" bulbs for ordering early and more "bonus" bulbs for ordering over the internet.
If you've made it this far, you must be wondering what I ordered, so here is the list:
- Siberian Squill, which will be placed under the forsythias that are by the driveway
- Dowble Snowdrops, which have an interesting green and white pattern
- Dichelostemma Congestum
- Siberian Squill, which seems to thrive on abuse (should do good here!)
- A Firecracker Flower Collection, which has 2 different colored flowers
- Small Flowered Alliums, which may be the only things that are left after the chipmunks are done digging up and eating bulbs!
- Sweet Dreams Hyacinth, which I got for the sweet scent (should compliment the lilacs)
- The Three Winter Chasers Collection, which will drive me nuts when they bloom at the end of winter but about 2 months before I can actually get out and garden
- Tulip Humilis Alba Coerulea Oculata which has an interesting gray/blue center
- Tassel Hyacinth. I don't like the looks of the common hyacinth, but these looked interesting.
- English Bluebells, which is another hardy flower (and besides, I like blue)
- Fireworks Allium Mix of which I got extras as the internet bonus
That doesn't include the tulips that I recieved as a bonus for ordering early. I'm not really crazy about tulips, but will find a place for them anyway (actually it works out because I was in need of some taller flowers to put in the mix).
I should have a busy weekend planting all this along with the rest of the irises that I dug up a couple of weeks ago (I re-planted the ones that were going back in the iris bed next to the house - but had a bunch that I wanted/needed to mix in with the bulbs). I've been waiting for the bulbs and had just about given up. Glad I waited!
PS - found a blog by a gardener who has wonderful pictures of various flowers, hummingbirds and her dog.
Good luck with all those bulbs! I know that some of them are on the small side and can be mass planted, but that's STILL a lot to plant. Your gardens will be wonderful while the rest of us are still waiting for signs of Spring!
Posted by: Buffy | September 13, 2003 at 11:24 AM
It's a good thing that I didn't get the irises to you (yet). It's been raining here ever since the irises got to the point where they were ready for digging. I dug one clump, but it was a mistake. They are now just sitting there atop the ground soaking up the rain. They will get there sooner or later, I hope!
Posted by: Cop Car | September 13, 2003 at 03:34 PM
Mass planting - no I'm not that smart. I carefully place each bulb in its proper location. Actually, "proper location" is misleading for the smaller bulbs. I dumped all of those in a box and mixed them up, then carefully planted them one by one. It will actually look a bit spartan for the first year or two. But they will fill in eventually - but at least I won't be going thru the dividing nighmare any time soon!
Posted by: Bogie | September 14, 2003 at 06:09 AM