Okay, I lied - I like snakes, and spiders I can live with. However, one specific spider is going to die a violent and horrible death pretty soon.
Daddy Longlegs like to hang out in my bathroom ("my" bathroom is downstairs, WS's bathroom is upstairs). They usually don't bother me, even though they like to spend their time in the corners above the shower. I figure they are doing a public service by catching and eating bug, so I leave them be.
BUT, I have one rule; if a spider gets too bold and starts dropping down off the ceiling and investigating what is going on while I'm in the shower - that spider has to die. The small ones seem to respect my rules (I assume - since I don't wear my contacts in the shower, the spider has to either be really big or really close for me to see it drop down above me). The big ones seem to get cocky after a while and violate my rule.
That happened again this morning. A big Daddy Longlegs started to investigate, so I puffed air on it until it got the hint and moved away. But then it started going from one side of the shower to the other, and back; all the while dangling above my head. This just creeps me out and I won't stand for it.
Next time I have the vacuum out, I will suck this spider up. as I said, it will soon die violently because it can't follow one simple rule.
I don't really care for spiders, but I can deal with them. Snakes are verbotten! My mother lives with us, and we moved into this home 14 years ago. The first few years, we had several long snakes who wanted to reside in the gardens. We have a brick sidewalk, and they liked cozying up to it for heat. My mother is more afraid of snakes than I am, and we wanted to avoid her meeting one of them at all costs. I can remember standing out of my mother's sight, pantomiming to my husband (who was on the mower), that he needed to get the rake NOW to remove a snake.
I think the last snake I saw here was the one I mowed over. Honest....I didn't do it intentionally. I came back on the next pass, and saw pieces of snake everywhere. I haven't mowed a lot since....
Posted by: Buffy | July 18, 2003 at 10:19 AM
I like both spiders and snakes, maybe because everyone else seems to hate them, but I won't tolerate one interfearing in my daily life. I would definatly have to get rid of any spider who liked to spy on me when I was in the shower.
Posted by: Sam | July 18, 2003 at 05:18 PM
I like 'em both (spiders and snakes). The spiders in my house are like pets (for the same public service reason), I've even named them occasionally. But I too have rules about interference. When they start to interfere with me too much, they are politely escorted to the flower beds.
Posted by: MarcL | July 18, 2003 at 08:58 PM
I like having spiders around (especially cute ones like garden spiders--and they spin such gorgeous webs); but, I don't really want to share my abode with them. I awaken to a lot of bug bites that I attribute to spiders (I find a spider under me on the sheet when I get up in the middle of the night, sometimes) and have suffered no ill effects, so far; but, we have a lot of brown recluses around here, one of which had the audacity to bite Hunky Husband, leaving him an ulcerating sore for which he needed medical intervention for a while. Combine them with the abundant poison ivy, the mosquitos (that we fear may transmit West Nile to us), and the ticks and one would think that nature is trying to get back at us for invading the territory of the little critters. As to snakes....
Here's another "do you remember when" for Bogie. We were in the process of moving into our newly built house on Sunrise when Bogie came up the basement stairs (she would have been 6 years old at the time) triumphantly holding up a "big worm" that she had found in the basement. I saw its possible descendent in the onion patch a few days ago. The poor thing felt hot and dusty to the touch. I don't think it likes the 100-109 degree weather that we've been having the last few days. (Hunky Husband cautioned me to be careful when I went out about an hour ago--that the heat index was 115 degrees.)
Posted by: Cop Car | July 19, 2003 at 08:26 PM
Yes, I remember the big "worm" Cop Car. Glad I'm not down there with that type of heat. It's been fairly mild here.
Posted by: bogie | July 20, 2003 at 06:16 AM
I must admit, I wouldn't tolerate brown recluse spiders. Of course since, as their name suggests, they are reclusive, they are hard to find in order to evict!
Posted by: bogie | July 21, 2003 at 05:32 AM
i am only afraid of ladybugs they scare the heck out of me if i see one i cant breath and have a panic attack one time while i was in gym class i like almost passed out because i seen a dead ladybug no matter dead or alive i am freaked out when i see one the same thing that happened in gym class happened at feild hockey practice if any one else is freaked out by these he she creatures ewwwwwww plz tell me let me know i am not weird and alone on my ladybug phobia
Posted by: lisa kerstetter | April 16, 2005 at 04:06 PM
Posted by: | September 04, 2005 at 02:02 AM
hi everybody.....im trying find some people who has ladybug phobia. I hope im not the only one with this bloody weird phobia. my mail is [email protected]
Posted by: Jana | September 06, 2006 at 02:33 PM
im terrified of them too! yey im so glad im not alone!!!!
Posted by: ashem! | October 17, 2006 at 07:28 PM
I always thought i was the only one! I hate them, once there was 100+ in my room, the would rattle around in my lights and drop from the ceiling and AHHHH every since then i hate them but my mom laughs at me because of it!
Posted by: Hannah | November 04, 2006 at 12:25 PM
I'm terrified of ladybugs, too. In the summer, when I was little, they would swarm in my room and on my walls. They didn't scare me much then, but in recent years I have been too terrified to even go near them. If one lands on me I nearly have a panic attack. I'm not scared of any other kind of insect, or normal things like heights or snakes. I didn't even think there was a phobia for ladybugs, let alone others who had the same fear.
Glad I'm not alone! :)
Posted by: casey | January 21, 2007 at 02:55 PM
Oh my gosh---that's how i got to this site was i googled phobia of ladybugs! I'm not the only weirdo who's afraid of the most harmless bug on earth!!
Posted by: jodi | March 03, 2007 at 10:25 PM