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November 22, 2002


Randy Eckwall

Hi bogie,

I think we have spoken about my daughter on the CFK site. Just found this doing a search and I have enjoyed reading it. Hope you are well.



You are right, we have spoken about your daughter on the KC forum. I've read that your daughter is doing better since she got her contact.

Wishing good things for her and you!


I am from São Paulo,Brazil. I had just be submeted to a corneal transplant here in São Paulo with good results. Its the third corneal transplant I ever made. I am 54 years old and my two transplants before I did when I was very young.
And now I need to make another one in my right eye. I did the surgery just two weeks ago, on september, 27th.
I am ok , I am getting better, but its a very difficult recuperation, I have to be so much careful, but I am optimist that thing will run well.
I would like to correspond with KC people to change informations about that disease...
I will be waiting any answer....
bye bye
good luck for all
Luiz Barros

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