Since getting back from my second trip to Kansas in a month's time, Lila's progress has stalled. It seemed to pull back some in various little ways. She wasn't really interested in eating while I was downstairs (which used to be our quiet time together) and at the same time, she wasn't interested in testing her boundaries with me by walking back and forth around me. In fact, she would disappear and end up being on/around the stairs where I couldn't see her in person.
She did still come up to the top of the stairs and watch what was going on, but her presents was a bit on the coy side. Although understandable that she would have a set back from the pet sitter (again, for the 2nd time in a month), I felt something else was going on. After cogitating about it for a bit, I came to a realization.
SHE has been the one that has been asked to be brave and take leaps of faith along this whole process. And to this point, she has done well. But I needed to shake things up because it seems the situation was more her testing me at this point, and I was not progressing to her satisfaction (yes, a bit of anthropomorphism).
So, I had to take a leap of faith of my own.
Earlier this week I opened the gate when I was ready to retire for the night. This would give her time to do a little exploring while I wasn't watching and the house was as quiet as it gets. No, I would have no idea where she was. Yes there was a chance that she, Spot and Rainey would tangle (however, the two sisters are pretty blase' about her now so I figured that was unlikely)
That seemed to go well. In fact I could hear her playing with a toilet paper roll over by the bird cage for a while. She also returned to the top of the stairs when it was time for breakfast the next morning. I did close the gate after she had retired for the morning (she still goes and hides from about 6:30 am until 2-3 pm), just to keep the sisters from going downstairs to often. The next day I left the gate open longer in the morning, and before she retired, Lila came and visited me in the office while I was working (I start at 6am). Since then, I have kept the gate open pretty much all the time.
If she becomes overwhelmed or is nervous, the top of the stairs is still her favorite place. Even with the gate open she deems it as a safe place. If Rainey becomes overly pushy, Lila will scamper down the stairs, which satisfies the grumpy one. I did shut the gate while I was gone for Jury Duty instruction yesterday since I wouldn't be there to keep tabs (and Lila was safely tucked away down there for the day at that point). Imagine my surprise when I got home and Spot was waiting for me to open the gate that she was trapped behind. Reviewing the basement cams, Spot was very active down there and on the stairs throughout the day - probably trying to figure out why I would do that to her - LOL.
So, my leap of faith has gone well. Although Lila is still ghosty, she appears to be happier and is becoming more confident. She will spend time laying under the futon while I am there. She is exploring, but not getting into trouble and the two sisters don't seem to mind overly much - all without the tension that was evident when I was caring for Big Boy.
So, with her expanded range and confidence, Lila's name has been adjusted. For some reason, "Lila" never just rolled off the tongue for me and it seemed a bit, well, incomplete. However, Delilah seems to be more appropriate and natural.
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